Many people throughout the US enjoy participating in shooting sports. In particular, trap shooting is a fun activity to show off your shooting skills at moving targets. Though experienced shooters may make the sport look simple and easy, there are a lot of small details that determine the outcome of shots.
If you’re new to trap shooting, you may not be aware of all the finer intricacies that play a role in shooting accuracy. Some of the dynamics you need to know about before heading to the course include stance, grip, and follow-through. We’ll explain these details more in-depth, so you can begin a successful target-shooting session. We’ll also go over some of the most helpful tips for improving your accuracy if you’re looking to take your skills to the next level.
The Techniques Used in Trap Shooting
When you think about shooting a gun, you probably think mainly about your upper body. However, when trap shooting, you’ll want to consider your posture and stance, as they both play a role in how effective you’ll be on the course. You’ll also need to consider your grip and follow through in order to have the best results.
Proper Stance
Having the proper stance is essential to accuracy. It can help you to see the target more clearly, mount your gun properly, and have a greater sense of stability. What is the right stance for trap shooting? If you’re right-handed, you’ll need to rotate your body slightly to the right.
By doing this move, your body will be able to swing to the right side more easily and you’re more likely to mount your gun correctly. In addition to these benefits, this rotated stance also gives the shooter a straightened perspective, which allows the shooter to see the target better.
You’ll also want to open your stance up and keep your feet at least shoulder-width apart. This footwork will give you greater stability compared to a closed-off stance.
Having a proper grip when shooting a gun is necessary, as it allows you to have greater control over it. You’ll want to make sure you grip the gun firmly so you still have enough control. Those just starting out in shooting may make the mistake of gripping too tightly. A too-tight grip will lead to rigid muscles and stiff arms, which makes it difficult to freely move.
Follow-Through (Use your animal)
The most important tool you have when you are trap shooting is your own instinct, which is your inner animal. Your animal is your natural instinct that lets you catch a ball at just the right moment, which way to turn when you are at a busy intersection, and when you are doing something that requires a lot of focus, but you’re not necessarily actively thinking about it. Your laser eyesight will help you follow through, and after you’ve practiced with trapshooting a little bit longer, you’ll nail your target with perfect consistency almost every time.
Tips for Improving Accuracy
Getting these techniques down for trap shooting takes time and practice. If you’re a beginner or just want to improve your existing skills, trying out a few simple tips may help improve your accuracy. You may not think about all of the little details that go into precise shooting. However, preparing yourself as much as possible is one of the most surefire ways to improve your accuracy.
Keep a Focused Mindset
Having the right attitude may seem like a small inconsequential part of shooting, but it makes a big difference. Shooters need to maintain focus and concentration in order to perfect their skills. A good way to practice concentration is to clear your mind of outside distractions. If you’re thinking about other things not related to the target, your mind will probably not be focused enough to have consistent accuracy.
Consider the Weather
Though having the perfect weather for a day of trap shooting is preferred, it’s not always realistic. When you’re out on the course, you’ll have to deal with wind and other weather conditions. You should try to remain as focused on the target as possible to ensure accuracy in not ideal weather conditions.
Using the Correct Choke
You’ll need to think about using the right choke for your course. If you’re shooting at the station closest to the targets, you might want to consider an improved cylinder choke. However, if you’re farther back from the target, you’ll want to consider switching to a modified choke.
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Use the Right Gear
The accuracy during your time on the course may be affected by the gear you choose to use. You’ll want to use gear that assists in your safety and comfort. When your gear isn’t effective, and you’re wearing restrictive clothing, following proper techniques is difficult. Some of the gear you should consider picking up before heading out for trap shooting include protective eyewear, glasses, recoil pads, and vests. Ultimately, the right accessories will depend on your personal preferences.
Part of selecting the right gear might include picking out recoil pads. The effects of recoil have the potential to negatively affect your trap shooting. Significant recoil may cause the shooter to flinch, which could affect accuracy. Additionally, many people experience pain and soreness from recoil, which means that they take fewer shots per session. Our recoil pads help mitigate the effects of recoil by converting the energy into heat, which is then spread out over the point of contact.
Trap shooting is a fun sport that requires a bit of knowledge and practice to get right. If you’re just starting out in this sport, you’ll want to learn the proper techniques so that shooting correctly becomes muscle memory. For shooters who are looking to level up their skills, it’s a good idea to take a look at the finer details of the shot, such as recoil. Having the best recoil pads on the market is an excellent way of improving your accuracy. Check out the recoil pads in our shop if you want to improve your trap shooting accuracy.